This site has many articles that you can search on this topic, already. Still, some have a hard time...
Archive for category: Church vs. Ekklesia
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Well, this seems to be an ongoing discussion where neither side is really understanding the other. It seems that...
The Alternative Life-Style of Spiritual Fellowship and the 80/20 Rule
admin, , Church vs. Ekklesia, Fellowship of the Saints, Local Church, 0The truth is that most church members are not willing to spend and be spent for their brothers and...
First Century Elders and Local Church Autonomy
admin, , 1 Peter :2-4, Church Elders / Bishops, Church Organization, Church vs. Ekklesia, Overseers, Pastors, Local Church Autonomy, 0Given the description of the individual responsibility of Shepherds and the saints, there is no violation of local autonomy...
Applying Galatians 6 and 1 Timothy 5
admin, , Church vs. Ekklesia, Ephesians, Individual Accountability, Matthew, Personal Accountability, Applying Galatians 6 and Timothy 5 to individual action, 0As we examine the text of Galatians 6 and 1 Timothy 5, we might confuse the action taken to...
Individual Responsibility
admin, , Church vs. Ekklesia, Fellowship of the Saints, Galatians, Matthew, 0One of the complaints that I have had in response to my writing is that there is no gathering...
The Alternative
admin, , Church Buildings, Church Organization, Church vs. Ekklesia, Fellowship of the Saints, 0At the start of this century, I began to write on matters concerning the church. I first thought that...
Ephesians 1 and the Holy Spirit
admin, , Church vs. Ekklesia, Ephesians, Holy Spirit, ekklesia, Ephesians 1, 0Ephesians 1 is a great introduction of the book as it deals with the scheme of redemption and the...
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)
The Bible is a book that records the divine plan of redemption from the fall to the fulfillment of the “last days.”