April 3, 2023

When Will the Binding of Satan Occur?

by Tim Glover in Second Coming0 Comments

The post-millennialists and the a-millennialists both agree that this binding of Satan as described here in Revelation 20 comes before the second coming of Christ. They would think that the so-called millennium, or the 1,000 year reign of Christ as described here in Revelation 20, precedes Christ’s return. , according to the post and a-millennial positions. Put yet another way, when asked the question, when will Christ return in relation to the so-called millennium, both post-millennialists and a-millennialists respond saying, “after! Christ will return after the millennium”. First the 1,000 reign of Christ, and then his second coming. This has been the majority position held throughout the history of the church.

These two positions (post- and a-) agree on the chronology, but they disagree as to the starting point of the millennium and also the nature of it. The post-millennialists believe that the millennium is still in our future. According to their view, the kingdom of God will continue to advance on earth so much so that a millennial age will be ushered in, where Christ reigns in a glorious-Davidic way, where Satan is bound and the cultures of this world will be so Christianized that the church will enjoy great peace and prosperity. Some post-millennialists take the number 1,000 literally, whereas others take it as symbolic for a long period of time. But all post-millennialists agree (as far as I know) that the millennium is yet in our future, and then after that, the return of Christ, the final judgment, and the new heavens and new earth.

The problem is created when we are trying to apply the kingdom as a political entity that is literally and physically established here in a visible fashion. A similar problem plagued the disciples of Jesus day when they mistook the restoration of Israel as overtaking Rome and returning to Jerusalem. There is nothing in Scripture that indicates the kingdom to be anything other than the rule of Christ. The millennium in Revelation 20 is a thousand-year reign of Christ with his saints. The binding of Satan and the start of that millennial reign occur together. Like any ruler who establishes his reign, you bind the strong man first, take the spoils of war, and rule. Revelation has Satan bound and Christ reigning with His saints.

But, not only does the binding of Satan and the millennial reign commence at the same time, but before these two things can occur, Christ has to return. Again, as the early chapters of John show the problem of humankind desiring to attach a physical presence in the application of Jesus’ teaching, Jesus’ return, which was promised in the first-century, was fulfilled in the first century. As God came in Judgment against Babylon when he sent Persia to conquer it, Jesus came against the Jews in their “last days” to judge His people. That action ended one age and started another. It ended the old Israel covenant and began a spiritual reign of Christ in heaven and on earth. HE HAS ALREADY COME! As far as tribulation, God’s people experienced it during the same time (“the last days” not last days on planet earth) before His return. This is not to say that God’s people would never experience some form of persecution and severe, at times. Only, the description of the Revelation of Jesus Christ written by John is a description of things that must shortly come to pass. Those tribulations preceded His soon-approaching return.

Accepting the fulfillment of this chronology, we have been in the millennium for years while Satan has been bound. Do not think that being bound means there’s no evil, no temptation in the flesh, and no pain in any sense. Many criminals can continue business behind bars through a highly organized team of loyal messengers fulfilling every will of the crime boss. Satanic power is limited. He no longer accuses us before the sons of God. He no longer has power of possessing a person as found in demon possession of the first century. His influence is still real and the flesh is still a present avenue for sin. Sin is still a choice but Christ has delivered the human race from the clutches of the grave for He has had the keys of death and hades. When a saint dies, they enter their rest in His presence. There is no prison/holding pen. He has “delivered them who through fear of death were all their life time subject to bondage.

And, now, according to Revelation 20, our future is awaiting Satan’s loosing (if he has not already been loosed), and another intense sweep of universal deception to create war against the people of God. When all looks bleak, fire will come down from heaven to cover the plains of the earth to devour the adversary. A good illustration of this is when God destroyed the prophets of Baal, along with the sacrifice and the entire altar. But, before that happens, God’s people will be so pursued and hemmed in their camp. This is likened to the children of Israel who were hemmed in between the Egyptian army and the sea. What we need to be prepared to do is: STAND STILL, AND SEE THE SALVATION OF THE LORD. All the dead will then be released. That’s a resurrection. The resurrection of glorified bodies for the saints is our future. For those alive when this occurs, the second resurrection, like the first, will preceed a transformation of glorified forms for those alive on earth. THEN, death and hades is forever cast into the bottomless pit. There will be no need for the keys for there will be nothing to opened and closed. This is our future.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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