I was asked this question last week, and it occurred to me to write a blog in response to it.  The first thing that is critical to realize is that as we read the Bible, we are reading other people’s mail.   I’m not advocating that the Bible is not relevant, as many principles of truth are designed for our out learning.  We hope to add a category regarding principles of daily living.   However, the Scriptures were written at a specific time in history that relates to the fulfillment of the scheme of redemption in the coming of the Messiah and His kingdom.

My first book, entitled A Community of Believers, is focused on the idea of a community who are saints by calling and live in communities with other saints to build each other up.  Contrary to popular opinion, it was not designed to emphasize that all we have to do to get to heaven is believe.   The term “believers” and its derivatives are found in the Bible as a synonym for brethren, those who have accepted the gospel message.  Unfortunately, some would rather build straw men to tear down, instead of reading the book with an open mind and sharing their thoughts with me.   In this book, I have defined the word church in an effort to distinguish God’s people from the local organization of religious sects that people join.   We show that the later is not found in the Bible, because we are conditioned to read “local church organization” when we read of a church in a particular location.   Crazy?  Well, I would have thought so several years ago.

Originally, my manuscript included the Holy Spirit in the last days and first-century leaders among the saints.  I have separated the material to comprise three separate books.   The two themes are related to the called out and the application of the Holy Spirit and the leadership to today.   But, each required a focused treatment in the context of the first century.

Be looking for the launch of the new book later this year.  This site will offer courses in the near future.  We are excited about this new addition, along with an upgraded website.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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