The angel said to John, “Come here. I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb” (cf. Rev. 15:1,8). The angel takes John to a high mountain to see the holy mountain Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. John was in the spirit, probably much like Paul’s experience in 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 when he explains that he did not know whether he was in or out of the body. John sees the city coming down out of heaven twice. It is important to note that human beings are not going up to heaven, but heaven, the heavenly city, is coming down from heaven. The possible explanations for the meaning of the city coming down out of heaven is threefold. First, the heavenly city is coming down to replace the physical city. The heavenly city accords with the new covenant, reign of Christ in the spiritual kingdom, and the marriage of the Lamb. Second, it comes down in the sense that, in the new kingdom of heaven, the will of God is done as in heaven, so on earth (Matt. 6:9,10). The reign of Christ encompasses souls in both realms as does his authority. Third, the city might be seen coming down when the Lord was revealed from heaven with the angels in flaming fire, rendering vengeance to them that know not God, and to them that obey not the gospel (2 Thess. 1:7-8; 1 Thess. 3:13; Lk. 21:20, 28, 31-32). Whichever view or views, the Lord did not return to reign on the physical earth. One of the reasons for this conclusion is the teaching of Hebrews 8:4-5. We know that Jesus is a priest after the order of Melchizedek (Heb. 6:20). Chapter eight explains,

Now if he were on earth, he would not be a priest at all, since there are priests who offer gifts according to the law. They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things. For when Moses was about to erect the tent, he was instructed by God, saying, “See that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.” We know He is a priest and intercessor. The first point is this: if he were on earth, He could not be a priest. The second point offers the reason for the first one: the priests and the law of the old covenant was a copy or shadow of “heavenly things.” Christ and His priesthood was the heavenly image, while the priesthood under the law was a copy or shadow of that heavenly image. It pointed to Christ and His spiritual intercessory work in His offering for sins. Christ still serves as the high priest, while being both priest and king, reigning on His heavenly throne (Acts 1:9-11; 2:34-36; Rev. 12:5-6, 20:6).

The Holy City coming down out of heaven has the glory of God and light like a precious stone, as it were a jasper, clear as crystal. Such descriptions of glory is only because of the one who abides there. The glory of this city (similar to the glory of the temple) exists because of God’s glory. Such glory is compared to a transparent stone such as Jasper (cf. Rev. 4:3). This stone is noted for its opaqueness, while crystal is noted for being clear. The bride, like a beautiful, valuable stone, is pure, clear, or without blemish (cf. Eph. 5:27; cf. 22-33).

A great high wall has twelve gates with an angel and names at each gate. The names were the names of the twelve tribes of Israel.  The wall had 12 foundations with each having the name of an apostle of the Lamb.  Each side of the wall is 1,500 miles long, 1,500 miles high, and 216 feet thick. Again, this is not a physical wall. It is designed to demonstrate the immensity, glory, and grandeur of this city. This celestial city is measured with a literal ruler. The foundations will remain forever. No one can break through to enter. The only access is through the gates guarded by the angels. Only the redeemed are allowed entrance into that eternal city.
1. On the East: Three gates
2. On the North: Three gates
3. On the South: Three gates
4. On the West: Three gates

The angel that showed John these things had a golden reed that he was using to measure the city, the gates and wall.  The city lies foursquare. – exactly as God designed it.  The city was built by wise master builders who strictly followed the blueprints (cf. 1 Cor.3:10-15).  As measurements are taken, here are the results:  Each side is 12,000 furlongs (or about 1,500 miles, cf. Rev. 14:20).  The city measures a cube as the length, breadth, and heighth are equal.  The thickness of the wall measures at 144 cubits and figuring 18 inches to a cubit, the wall’s thickness was about 216 feet thick.  

The building of the wall as jasper; the city of pure gold like unto pure glass.  In the heavenly realm, these compare to pure glass or crystal.  Nothing clouds or shadows the celestial city as nothing uncleans enters it.  No dark shadows but all is light in this glassy city.   The foundations were adorned with the following precious stones presenting a display of a rainbow of colors:

  1. Jasper
  2. Sapphire
  3. Chalcedony
  4. Emerld
  5. Sardonyx
  6. Sardius
  7. Chrysolite
  8. Beryl
  9. Tapaz
  10. Chrysoprase
  11. Jacinth
  12. Amethyst

Each had the name of one of the twelve apostles. We are told that the ekklesia is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets (Eph. 2:19-22). Upon these, other living stones are added to compose a spiritual house (1 Pet. 2:3-10). The twelve gates were made of twelve pearls, depicting the city’s splendor, and the street of the city was pure gold like transparent glass.

No temple was found in this city for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple. This proves that the visions of the temple in earlier chapters of Revelation were symbolic. The heavenly city represents a sanctuary for God’s people. God will spread his tabernacle over them (Rev. 7:15) and the Lamb shall be their shepherd and guide them to fountains of waters of life (7:17).

The city has no need of the sun or moon because the glory of God lightens it and the lamp is the Lamb. The redeemed enjoy the light of one perpetual day for there is no night there. Therefore, the gates will not be shut by day.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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