The great white throne scene begins with the “rest of the dead,” which is referenced in Revelation 20:5 as “not living until after the thousand years are finished” (Rev. 20:5). In other words, they are not brought to life or raised until after the millennial reign of Christ. You and I are included in this group. After death and hades gave up their dead in the second resurrection (and they will just as those in the first resurrection because Christ has the keys of death and hades), the dead were judged and those whose names were not in the book of life were cast into the lake of fire along with death and hades, the last enemy (Rev. 20:7-15). This resurrection is nowhere described in the New Testament outside of Revelation 20. The reason is obvious. Just as the scrolls of Daniel’s day were sealed because they pertained to many years in the future, not to be released until the time of their fulfillment, even so, the first-century disciples were not given much information about this time because it did not pertain to them, but a generation many years removed from them.

All of us living today are a part of that category described as “the rest of the dead,” some of whom will die and be raised and judged according to what we have done (Rev. 20:13). Others will be alive and remain, but be pursued and surrounded by the enemy. The Bible briefly explains that fire from heaven will consume the enemy and the Devil who deceived them.

The second coming promised by Jesus was not during the time period of this second resurrection. The second coming promised by Jesus has already taken place. If we may call the resurrection of the “rest of the dead” a resurrection of the “second coming”, we do so without the support of Scripture. It may be considered a “coming,” but not as a “second coming.” Given the fact that Christ is on His throne, he’s already present. When Satan is loosed, He will still be on the throne. The loosing of Satan merely inserts another major division of time in the summation of human history.

Also, the description shows that it has not taken place because death and hades are still with us, today. Powerless, though they are, to hold us, we still experience death. There is a difference between Christ having the keys of death and hades and Christ casting death and hades into the lake of fire. It is just as clear as distinguishing a house with keys to access it and a house that is torn down and destroyed. At that point, keys are no longer necessary.

This concludes the listed items to be fulfilled in the last days. We have established the identity of the last days, and the events that would occur. The topics addressed in this blog have had their fulfillment in the first century. The study shows that the context of the New Testament had a first-century application and fulfillment. It also prepares us for a proper understanding of leadership among the people of God both then and now.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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