After the earthly threat has ended and the armies destroyed from the heavenly fire, Satan, the one who orchestrated the entire mess through his deception, will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and false prophet are already located. There they will be tormented night and day forever and ever. In the first war of Revelation 20, the eternal lake of fire is prepared for the Devil, the demons, the beast, the false prophet, and the ungodly from the time of the creation (Rev. 12:12; Matt. 25:41; 23:33-36; 12:41-42; 8:28-29; Lk. 8:31). After he is imprisoned for a thousand years, he is released for a comparatively small period to deceive the nations a second time. Afterward, there will be a second resurrection (Rev. 20:5-6) and a post-millennial judgment (Rev. 20:11-15). In this final judgment, Satan is returned to the Abyss or lake of fire in which he will remain forever. It seems that no one will ever be loosed from the abyss ever again (Rev. 20:10).


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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