The third mention of the Holy Spirit in chapter two is verse thirty-eight and thirty-nine. In the non-charismatic world, the general view is that Peter was speaking of a personal non-miraculous indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  If so, this promise of a non-miraculous indwelling of the Spirit is not mentioned by any prophet.  If God chose to make this indwelling available at that time, that would certainly be His prerogative, but it would not be a promise.  The promise of the Spirit in the Old Testament was never described as non-miraculous, yet Acts 2:39 calls it a promise.  If it is a promise, we would expect to find some mention of it in the Old Testament scriptures or the words of Jesus Christ.

The promised gift of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:38 is well documented by the prophets, John (the forerunner), and Jesus.  However, it is assumed that if the remission of sins is automatic, so must the gift of the Spirit be automatic.   The reasoning goes something like this.  First, Luke tells us that the Holy Spirit is given to those who obey (Acts 5:32), and this gift of the Holy Spirit is promised to those who repent and are baptized.  Second, we are told that the Christians in Samaria had not had the Holy Spirit fallen on any of them.   Therefore, they reason that the promise of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:38-39 had to be non-miraculous; else the Samaritans would have received the Holy Spirit after they had been baptized.   The view posits that both were baptized and both received the promise of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling, but neither group could receive the miraculous measure of the spirit, automatically.  Acts 8 explains that it required the laying on of the apostles’ hands.  Further, it is reasoned that Christians would have had no problem receiving the miraculous measure of the Spirit because all twelve lived in Jerusalem.   Since Samaria had no apostle to lay hands on them, we have a record of two being called to impart the miraculous gift.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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