The example of Corinth is not an example of church problems, but individual carnality. Paul corrects several problems, but they are all centered on individual pride, the pursuit of personal rights and preferences, and the effect of not handling sin, properly. They were not rebuked for not gathering often enough, but they were chided for the inefficiencies of their interactions with each other, along with the total lack of love in their gatherings. Corinth is a good example of what happens when fellow saints meet frequently without love. In that situation, if they’d just meet at the appointed times of Sunday morning, evening, and Wednesday evening, it would have been an improvement. They failed to edify one another and prefer one another in their gatherings. They also failed one another by the most unloving indifference toward the spiritual well-being of a brother in sin.

At no time was there a ruling class of clergy that led in correcting their problems. Each saint needed to love and respect the other. They needed to hold sinful brethren accountable and to rid the child’s play in their competitive spirit toward each other’s economic status, and spiritual gifts. These conditions had a ripple effect or as Paul expresses it, “A little leaven leavens the whole lump.” Any unresolved problem sets a precedent for future patterns of activity to be repeated by others. For this reason, Paul’s counsel in Acts 7 concerning the brother living with his father’s wife was not merely for the benefit of saving a soul from death. The chapter is addressed to the unloving brethren who had tolerated his sin. This is the reason that Paul instructs them to address the sin when they all came together. In this way, they are acknowledging their sin in the past when they ignored it. No stronger statement could be made than for all to stand with one voice and unite in withdrawing their company from him. As each individual chooses to do right by him, they will set a precedent for all to follow when they are not all together.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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