Javan is the father of Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim, all of which have connections with the Greek people. They are the Ionian Greeks of Asia Minor. Greece, Grecia, or Grecians appears five times in the Old Testament and it is translated from the Hebrew word Javan. Daniel refers to Alexander the Great and calls him “the king of Grecia” (Dan. 8:21), literally “the king of Javan.” The Elysians, an ancient Greek people, obviously received their name from Elishah. Hellas, an ancient name for Greece, probably comes from the name Elishah. Eleusis, the ancient city where the Eleusinian Mysteries were celebrated, also is traceable to Elishah.

Tarshish, or Tarsus, was located in the region of Cilicia. The entire region of Cilicia was originally called Tarsus. You may recall that Tarsus was the hometown of Paul (“Saul of Tarsus”). Encyclopedia Britannica says that Kittim is the Biblical name for Cyprus. The last son of Javan mentioned was Dodanim. The Greeks worshipped Jupiter under the name of Jupiter Dodanaeus, obviously a reference to this son of Javan. His oracle was at Dodena.

From all accounts, the Greeks can follow their descent to Javan.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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