April 15, 2021

Sons of Japheth – Gomer

by Tim Glover in The Flood0 Comments

Gomer, the grand-son of Noah, is referenced by Ezekiel 38:6. We learn that, along with Togarmah, he lived in the northern quarters that is referred to in the New Testament as Galatia, now known as central Turkey. Flavius Josephus, a Jewish historian who lived during the time of the destruction of Jerusalem, records that those people who were called Galatians, or Galls, in his day were previously called Gomerites (Josephus 1:6:1). History records that the Galls migrated westward to what is now called France. For many centuries France was called Gaul, after the Galls, the descendants of Gomer. Many of the Gomerites migrated farther to what is now called Wales. The Welsh historian Davis records that the Welsh people believe that the descendants of Gomer “landed on the Isle of Britain from France, about three hundred years after the flood” and that the Welsh language is called Gomeraeg. The Welsh people still sometimes refer to themselves as the sons of Gomer. John Gill records that the Welsh people in his day were called Cumero (Gomerites). The name of Gomer has been firmly fixed in the traditional name of the Welsh people and in the traditional name of their language.

The ancient Welsh were highly intelligent people whose language rivaled the language of the Greek philosophers. Gomeeraeg, the traditional name of the ancient Welsh language, is a branch of the Indo-European languages known as Celtic or Keltic. Encyclopedia Britannica says that the Celtic group of languages reached from Galatia on the East to Gaul and Iberia (Spain) and Wales on the West. Classical Gomeraeg was a highly developed, fully inflected language (the word endings and pronunciation changed according to the way they were used). It was very much like classical Greek, which has many different ways to spell every noun or adjective, depending on how they were used. Modern Welsh has lost all the inflected endings. Just as the Jewish people have properly claimed to be the offspring of Abraham, the Welsh people have claimed to be the offspring of Gomer. The evidence is too plain to be ignored.

The Welsh are not the only descendants of Gomer. The text goes on to tell us that the sons of Gomer were “Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah” (vs. 3). Not all of the family of Gomer reached Wales. There were members of their clan scattered all along the way. Some of the descendants of Togarmah and Ashkenaz settled fairly close to the foot of Mount Ararat. The Encyclopedia Britannica says that the Armenians claim to be descended from Togarmah and Ashkenaz. They are careful not to mention who Togarmah and Ashkenaz were. That would be too much for them to admit, but the evidence is too clear for them to deny, so they do provide the information without comment. Armenia is a large area spreading out to the South and West of Mount Ararat. To this day, the Armenians claim these two great-grandsons of Noah as their ancestors. Ancient Armenia reached into Turkey. The name Turkey probably comes from Togarmah. Again not all of the descendants of Ashkenaz settled in Armenia. Some of them migrated to Germany. Ashkenaz is the Hebrew word for Germany.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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