March 24, 2023

Satan’s Devices: Lessening Sin

by Tim Glover in Satan0 Comments

Human beings have a way of presenting their sin as less significant and sinful than other sins of which they are not guilty. An alcoholic and the family of an alcoholic may refer to their loved one’s addiction with a similar explanation as, “Well, he’s not an alcoholic; he just drinks a little too much.” A man with a temper laughs it off as a family trait, and a compulsive liar says, “O, everybody lies. No big deal.”

On the other hand, on a given day, when the focus is on someone else, the sin is not so small. Instead, it is accentuated and, in some cases, exaggerated to be so much worse. Yet, the truth is that any sin is a big deal, but one is no bigger than the other because any sin is an affront to a holy God.

However, our own sins should be our greatest concern, not the sins of others. It’s another ploy and device of Satan to get us focused on everyone else’s sin and ignore or lessen our own. He knows that humans will attempt to judge the heart. Some think they are just a step down from God in that department. They are quick to call people liars when someone changes their mind or vacillates on a decision. Yet, they are often the most deceptive hearts.

As long as Satan can deflect our sins from ourselves by fixing our gaze on others whose hearts we can not possibly know, he can avert any hope for confession and repentance of sin. In addition, he can cause more fights, divisions, and bitterness between people. The snowball effect grows greater as it rolls downhill. Each person responds to the other’s negativity so that neither is willing to seek reconciliation.

The remedy to this problem, is to isolate yourself from others at a time when only you can get away to pray, and only you and He are together. Most do not do this well or at all. Paul says, “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith” ( 2 Cor. 13:5). He didn’t say, “Examine others to see if they are in the faith.” Even if we could know another’s heart and problems, we could not change anything for another. We can only change ourselves and nobody else. But, this strategy of Satan will keep people where he wants them.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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