We have always been tempted to look around us and measure ourselves by our surroundings. By choosing the worst of situations, we can feel comfortable with ourselves. By exposing the errors and problems with all that surrounds us, our choices may appear attractive. Our challenge, however, is to rise above the standards placed on us by man and that limits us to their preferred choice over the given inferior choices. I ask you, “What choice of the standard will you use to measure yourself? Will you choose those comparisons that justify your neglect, forget the pressures placed upon you by others, and face the mirror of God’s eternal Word? As you peer into that reflection, what do you see? How do you look? Are you fairing sumptuously every day in the luxury of your things, while opportunities to serve are neglected? Are you your brother’s keeper? Are you providing for your family’s spiritual care and over-all well-being? Do you have brotherly love and how are you showing it? These are the questions that are of utmost importance because their answers will determine your eternal destiny. We must insist on emphasizing individual accountability and responsibility. Never hide behind an eldership, a preacher, or a deacon. Never measure your faithfulness to God by the criteria that judges you as a faithful member of a church. Preach the word, be an example to the believer, and give no occasion for the enemy to blaspheme. Remove obstacles that prevent you from reaching out to your brethren in Christ. And, when the Accountant tallies up what has been done in our body while here, we will be overwhelmed with great joy to hear the sweet words of our Lord, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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