The Bible presents answers on how to understand and manage evil, and there are
several approaches that, when linked, will expose satanic influences that shape
worldviews and uncover God’s plan for humans to deal with satanic influences. Having an ear to hear God’s will, renew the mind, and study the Scriptures with a fresh heart will provide understanding about Satan and his demons and their damage to humans. This process of enlightenment begins with not allowing Satan to influence humankind to think of themselves as independent masters of their own lives and destinies. Fueled by Satan, through deceptions cloaked in the postmodern consumer worldview, human thought becomes inflated with personal pride. As a
result, people are controlled by the post-modern consumer culture, live in an emotional prison
formed by negative experiences, unresolved by love and forgiveness.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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