Today, we are constantly reminded by religious leaders as they appeal to the same promise given to saints of the first-century. The same mistake is made here that is made when applying the promise of the Holy Spirit today. Both are applied to today’s people who are far removed from the historical context of the first-century where they find their fulfillment.

Among some who are still looking for the Lord’s return, we are told that we have no idea if the Lord is coming in our generation or another because not even Jesus knew the day or the hour. So, we are told that we just need to be ready because He could come at any time. This ignores the signs and the imminent nature of His coming in the text of Scripture. Regarding the statement that even Jesus didn’t know the day nor the hour, it represents the subjugation of the Son of Man while on earth and points to the precise time of His coming. The statement does not negate the clear statements of his imminent return in that generation. Jesus and His followers could know the age in which they lived and that they were in the last days when these things would be fulfilled. They knew the order of events that immediately preceded that day and would serve as signs of His coming. The signs were first-century signs as his coming referred to a first-century coming.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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