At first glance, we might think bad about God because we think of jealousy as being a bad trait. This is not the same as a controlling husband who lacks self-confidence and trust in their relationship. When applied to God, He knows all things and is not subject to the curious activities of our day. However, the Greek word has to do with zeal. Even in the beginning of creation, God’s pattern was a monogamous relationship, i.e., one man for one woman and one woman for one man. Similarly, He requires an exclusive relationship with Him. One of the ten commandments was that we have no other gods. Make no mistake, He is not a God of half-measures, and He does not want us to be satisfied with half-measures. He has offered us an unbelievable gift through His Son that emits grateful hearts that remains loyal and committed.

In this sense, when we are one with Him or when a man and woman become “one flesh,” it is required and expected that we give ourselves only to the other. Flirting with another and sharing our affections with another would justify this emotion of jealousy. We are not justified to place our affections on things of this world (cf. Col. 3:1-2) and think we can have God, too. It’s either “all” of Him or none of Him. He will not be shared with another. This explains the Scriptures that speak of our friendship with the world causing enmity with God. Too often, we think we can have it all as long as we don’t forget Him. The truth is that He will accept all of you or none of you.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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