If such brothers and sisters live in the same area, is there any doubt that they will be together when possible?  Unquestionably, they will gather together because they not only have a common relationship and response to God, they have a common cause.  To illustrate this commonality that unites us, imagine the similarity of other causes.   I live in a city that holds elections for various political positions.   Yet, certain ones, who have a common interest in promoting a particular candidate, pull together during a specific campaign period to gather  after work, organizing and preparing flyers to hand out door-to-door and calling potential supporters.  Some had written newspaper articles to inform the public.   Clearly, the action reveals individuals working either by themselves or in conjunction with others.  We had volunteered our time, money, food, transportation, and talents for a concentrated period of time.  Most of the work of individuals were done in pairs or groups of three to five.   This brotherhood was not the formation of an organization/institution.    It was an example of people with a common interest concerning a very significant cause that brought us together in homes or public restaurants to discuss the issues, platform, and plans of work.    I was not nearly as committed to this candidate as I was to Jesus Christ and yet the interaction of brethren was nothing like that.   It should resemble the commitment similar to the political interests groups, who inform and influence the vote of others for the next Representative.  Forming an organization is not required for these individuals to work.   In fact, forming an organization would have relieved them of their diligent effort in favor of contributing to the support of the profesionals in marketing.   Such action would not have pulled the group together.  Similarly, a “local church” is not the formation of an organization/institution through which  individuals of common interests work together.  If we can work together in the interest of one man becoming a councilman without forming a corporate body, why is it necessary to form a local church organization through which to work in the kingdom?


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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