Laying on of hands is a practice used as a means of contact to confer a blessing from one person to another.  There is an identification with the object/person through the contact whereby the anointed hands become a channel through which something from the Holy Spirit is transferred from one to the other.  The usage of the word ‘hand’ in Hebrew (yadh) is associated with strength, authority, and power. Thus the term ‘hand’ is associated with power in the hand. The laying on of hands, therefore, is seen as that which draws from a reservoir of great strength and authority and is imparted to the recipient.

Since the hands are symbolic of power, consider the various ways it is used:

(1) The Hebrew term “hand” is used for consecration, which means “to fill the hands.” The priests were given this authority (cf. Ex. 32:29; 1 Chron. 29: 5; Lev.  8:22).

(2) The act of opening a hand conveyed the idea of supplying a need (Ps. 104:28; 145:16).

(3) Lifting of the hand was an act of making an oath. “For I lift up my hand to heaven and say, I live forever”(Dt.32:40) “I did swear ( ‘lift up the hand’) to give it to Abraham” (Ex 6:8).

(4) Putting forth of the hand for healing (Matt.8: 3)

(5) Shaking of the hand as a threat (Zech. 2:9, Isa. 10:32)

(6) Stretching forth of the hand as a metaphor for Judgment (Ezek. 25:13, Deut. 2:15).

(7) Resting the hands upon someone in anointing (literally, “to draw the hand over”).  When God’s hand is said to be upon a person, he is doing a work in their life (2 Kgs. 3:15-16; Ezek. 1:3)

(8) The right hand was used to convey a greater place of honor (Ps. 110:1; Eph. 1:20-22).  The use of both hands was used to grant a double blessing.

Basically, there are three purposes of laying hands on someone.  It was used to impart power or blessing, to empower for confirmation and to commission to a task.  When used to commission, it implies the support and approval of the sender.  For our purpose, the impartation of the Holy Spirit was through the hands of the apostles who would lay them upon the believer for the promise of the Spirit to be granted.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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