The words that we often hear for “father” is Abba, Ab, or Pater. They depict one of the tenderest descriptions that God has given Himself. It conveys the unwavering care and love that He has for us. The relationship also illustrates our response of simple child-like trust, God’s discipline, inheritance, and adoption. Not all of us have been blessed with Fathers that gave us a sense of security, protection, or approval, the concept of God as a Father communicates all of those ideas. He makes everything better when he is around. He wants us to return to the time in childhood when we trusted our fathers to provide everything we could possibly need and take care of any bogeyman under the bed. He wants us to have that simple faith in Him because, simply, He CAN provide everything we could possibly need and protect us from harm. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:8 “…your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”

We sometimes have difficulty understanding discipline as an act of love. Read Hebrews 12 and remember that, unlike our earthly Fathers who miss it, God never makes mistakes. We can trust that what He does or allows is for our good.

Regarding inheritance and adoption, these topics focus on the relationship and the benefits of that relationship. Not only can we trust God to provide and protect us as a Father, loving us unconditionally, but we can trust God to fulfill His promises. He has fulfilled every promise of the redemptive plan and cannot lie. Eternal life should never be questioned because what He has promised He will fulfill, IF we are His children. Heaven is not promised to perfect, flawless human beings or for those who provide for endless humanitarian needs. Heaven is for those who are His children. What a wonderful God in whom we can place our full confidence!


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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