As suggested when two couples are betrothed,  the groom gives gifts to his bride as Abraham’s servant loaded 10 camels full of gifts when he went to find a bride.  Eliezer gave Rebekah jewelry and clothing (Gen. 24:53).   Eventually, the groom would give a ring which was the main feature of the betrothal ceremony.  The focus of the gifts was on the value of the gift(s) as a reminder of the giver.   Similarly, the gifts that God gave to His bride are a reminder of the beneficent giver who sees the worth of the bride and cherishes her.

No bride would say to her groom, “Wow, you know you shouldn’t have… we can’t afford that.”   Instead, the greater its value, the greater her thoughts of him who values her so highly.    We are reminded by James that “every good and perfect gift comes from Him” (James 1:17).    Of course, the gift that he gives us can and should be turned around to bless the lives of others.   Since we are not looking to consume such gifts upon our own lusts, we do not push Him away and say, “That’s enough.”   Instead, the greater the blessings, the more lavish the gift, the more value he has placed upon us.  Jesus gave His own life and shed His own blood.  That’s how much he valued His bride.    The gifts he has given us are forgiveness, reconciliation, eternal life, salvation, hope, and intercession to name a few.  But, these and much, much more are meant to be shared as an extension of the Almighty’s hand.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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