August 12, 2020

Duration of the Gifts: The Miraculous Powers Granted by the Holy Spirit Ended in those Days – 2

by Tim Glover in Uncategorized0 Comments

Concerning modern healing services today,  we might ask why that is such a bad thing.   This is the ancient problem of the end justifying the means.   When stressing how wonderful it makes us feel to believe that one is witnessing a miracle, we will not quibble about whether a real miracle was performed because it is not important.  What is important to those with that desire is a good feeling that is produced.   One lady who came out of a Benny Hinn healing crusade said afterward, “Just as long as it accomplishes a good result, why does it matter how we get there?”   The problem with this is the oversight of the negative effect such claims are having on people.   For example, to claim the unchanging purpose and power of the Spirit has caused tremendous doubts in the minds of the young and old alike.   We wonder why churches are losing their youth when they go off to a school of higher learning.    They are immediately attacked by infidels who distinguish their faith (which is a blind faith) from scientific evidence.  Once they define that line between faith and science, they cannot co-exist.   In their mind, the Christ of history is not the Christ of faith.   One is real, while the other is in the realm of faith.   It is automatically assumed, therefore, that anything that is of faith is unreal.   This, my friend, is a powerful work of deception.  However, if all a child has to go on is blind faith in a false claim of miraculous power, it would not take much to cross the line from believer to unbeliever.   Though Biblical faith does not find it’s supported in human wisdom or what can be explained logically,  it is still based on evidence (Hebrews 11:1).   What evidence is given that a notable miracle as described by Joel is witnessed, today?  To make claims that cannot be proven and compare pseudo-miracles of healing to the notable miracles of the Bible that no one could deny is very problematic.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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