The significance of the Holy Spirit’s work during this concentrated period is weakened by the view that advocates the continuation of that work today.  This is obvious by the fact that the power of the Holy Spirit that is claimed today is not the same as that prophesied by Joel and fulfilled in the “last days” of the first century.   We are not surprised to discover that the purpose of His work in the first century is not the same, either.    To suggest that the Spirit is still confirming one’s identity and message through miraculous signs, wonders and equipping the body of Christ with spiritual gifts has the opposite effect than what was originally intended.  Disbelief is the result because those witnessing these professed miracles today can not testify that they have seen convincing proofs of divine power.  Like the Samaritans recorded in Acts 8, people can distinguish the real from the fake.   Live interviews from Benny Hinn’s healing services demonstrate that a number of supporters do not really believe that miracles were performed.   The reason for their alliance is how it makes them feel in giving God praise and worship.   The emotional charge and high energy in addressing God with thanksgiving and praise is the attraction.   But, there must be some prop or medium that gives cause for this activity, even if it is not real.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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