Not only has the claim in today’s miraculous healings produced unbelief in many who hear the claims and see the lack of evidence, but it has also caused many supporters to redefine a miracle.   In Hume’s famous treatise on miracles, he defined a miracle as “a violation of the laws of nature.”  While we would not differ with Hume’s definition, the best way to define anything is to allow the Bible to illustrate it or describe it.  We want to notice the key elements of a miracle.

  1. A miracle is defined by the effect it has on those who witness it. They were amazed and filled with wonder. This reaction is a genuine response to a notable miracle.  A part of this effect was the result of knowing the genuine condition of the person with the disease or ailment (cf. John 5:5).  The Biblical authors are very clear about this, stating the length of the ailment, and the circumstances surrounding their condition.  The reason is also unmistakable.  If you know someone’s handicap or disease has been with them for thirty-eight years or from birth, there can be no doubt about the change on a day and at an instant when someone invokes the power of God for healing.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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