It is amazing how these two topics are so similar. They are the two things no one is to openly discuss in a workplace because of the rift that it would cause between the employees. Both have advocates that are so strongly attached that no one dare criticize without a fight. Emotions run high when debating our case.

In both topics, the opposing parties seldom hear the other side because they are sure they know the view of the other side. Generally, they are clear about the major tenants of the other side but not always, nor do they always understand the rationale and reason for the opposing view. One of the best ways to reason together is to accept that the other side has good reasons for their views and that we should seek to understand what they are so we are clear about how they have reached their conclusions. Even then, we may not agree, but we can depart from the discussion being agreeable.

While the challenge to understand and reason together is difficult enough, we are seeing more and more divisive attitudes in recent years that violate all the rules of etiquette and respect. Often, the lines that are drawn are so deep that it reveals an attitude of hate and malice. Both tend to make blanket statements of the other’s views that are not correct but are designed to prejudice the hearer. This tactic reaches the point when lies escalate to a ridiculous level of deceit. Associated with it is the hypocrisy of the leaders to condemn the other for what they, themselves, are doing. It’s an act, which defines the very meaning of hypocrisy.

However, in all that we could say about this horrendous division, it leads us to a conclusion about the moral and ethical standards of the world in which we live. The conclusion is this: a majority of people are not interested in truth or the facts. They are only interested in their agenda, power, and personal success. They are driven by pride and thus, do not genuinely care for those they claim to serve. “Service” has developed into a “position” of power and prestige. This heart condition will lie to their own people and lie about others while pretending to have the noblest motives. This is the most despicable condition that requires only one solution. Human beings may not be able to do it, but the Almighty God will definitely have his day of reckoning. If it is to be changed in our lifetime, it will require the eradication and elimination of the system that by its very nature divides one another. In religion, do away with the religious sects and organizations. In politics, do away with the party system and return to a genuine discussion of the issues.

No, it will not solve all problems but it will allow one another to come to the table of reconciliation without the labels, lies, and party affiliations that cause us to fight unfairly. It is doubtful that this agreement will ever be reached, but in both politics and religion, to return to the fundamentals we must “drain the swamp.”


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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