We read in the New Testament of brethren who were experiencing a famine and would receive contributions from other...
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Three Areas of Work For Saints that are Usurped by Local Churches: Evangelism
admin, , Uncategorized, 0Let’s examine the work of evangelism identified as a work of the church organization and explore how it is...
In view of Paul’s teaching that regulates the use and purpose of spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthains 14, it...
The Problems that Christianity has Created for Itself It’s amazing how blind anyone can become because of fear to...
Purpose of Togetherness
admin, , Togetherness, Uncategorized, 1 Corinthians 14, fellowship, Togetherness, 0The purpose of togetherness is the benefit of mutual encouragement. That this became the reason for their meetings is...
Interaction of Saints in a Given Area
admin, , Church vs. Ekklesia, Fellowship of the Saints, Local Church, Uncategorized, fellowship, Local church, 0If such brothers and sisters live in the same area, is there any doubt that they will be together...
Other Saints Living in Various Cities
admin, , Local Church, Togetherness, Uncategorized, fellowship, Local church, Togetherness, 0Some propose the idea that a universal church is nowhere taught in the Bible so that every reference to...
Aside from the formation of an institution, many innovations were introduced. Once any man or group of men lift...
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)
The Bible is a book that records the divine plan of redemption from the fall to the fulfillment of the “last days.”