The eagle that flew in the mid-heaven ends chapter eight, saying, “Woe, woe, woe for them that dwell on...
Archive for category: Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd)
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The First Four Trumpets of the Seventh Seal: “A Mountain Burning with Fire” – Revelation 8
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), 0The seventh seal opens with four trumpets blown from four angels that reveal the judgment of God upon the...
After the sealing of the 144,000, John sees a great multitude which no man could number, out of every...
After the vision of the sixth seal, John saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth,...
Opening of the Sixth Seal of Revelation 6
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), 0At the opening of the sixth seal, John saw a “great earthquake; the sun became black as sackcloth of...
Opening of the Fifth Seal of Revelation 6
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), The Fifth Seal, 0When the fifth seal was broken/opened by the Lamb, John saw underneath the altar the souls of them that...
Chapter Six: Opening of Four Seals – The Four Horsemen
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), Uncategorized, 0I. The First Seal When the seal is broken, John hears the thunderous voice of the first living creature...
The four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb after He had taken the book....
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)
The Bible is a book that records the divine plan of redemption from the fall to the fulfillment of the “last days.”