Granting that all persons in the godhead are perfectly united in thought, purpose, and action, God should not be...
Archive for category: Holy Spirit
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The One God and Holy Spirit We do not have the space to explore every point concerning the Holy...
Ephesians 1: The Holy Spirit and the Guarantee of Our Inheritance
admin, , Ephesians, Guarantee of our Inheritance, Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1, Guarantee of Inheritance, Holy Spirit, 0The effect and purpose of the seal are defined by this Greek word, “arrabon” that is translated “earnest”, “pledge”,...
Ephesians 1 and the Spiritual Blessings in Christ
admin, , Ephesians, Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1, Holy Spirit of Promise, Spiritual Blessings, 0The phrase, “heavenly places” is mentioned five times in this epistle. Those who are described as being “in Christ”...
Ephesians 1 and the Holy Spirit
admin, , Church vs. Ekklesia, Ephesians, Holy Spirit, ekklesia, Ephesians 1, 0Ephesians 1 is a great introduction of the book as it deals with the scheme of redemption and the...
Early Proofs of Imparting the Spirit
admin, , Acts of the Apostles, Holy Spirit, Spiritual Gifts, Holy Spirit in Acts, 0Several references in Acts speak of people being full of the Holy Spirit. Some of this is as a...
Fulfillment of the Holy Spirit’s Outpouring: Acts 4
admin, , Acts of the Apostles, Fulfillment of Outpouring, Holy Spirit, Acts 4, Fulfillment of the Holy Spirit's Outpouring, 0The example of Acts 4 gives another example of the Holy Spirit being given without a reference to the...
The Fulfillment of the Holy Spirit’s Outpouring: Exceptional Case of Acts 10
admin, , Acts of the Apostles, Fulfillment of Outpouring, Holy Spirit, Acts 10, Fulfillment of the Holy Spirit's Outpouring, 0There is one exception to the need of having the apostles lay their hands on new believers to receive...
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)
The Bible is a book that records the divine plan of redemption from the fall to the fulfillment of the “last days.”