John was told to measure the city and temple. We are introduced to two witnesses whom we have identified...
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Identity of the Two Witnesses: Revelation 11
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), 0The significance of two witnesses is to confirm the accuracy of whatever is claimed as being true. According to...
Revelation 11:2 and the Nations of Luke 21:24
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), 0As noted in our last blog, the trodding of the holy city for forty-two months represents the profanation of...
Measuring the Temple (Chapter 11): Profaining of the Temple 42 Months
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), 0John was given a reed like a rod and was told to get up and measure the temple, the...
The Powerful Angel with a Little Book – Ch. 10
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), The little book of Rev. 10, 0The strong angel was seen coming down out of heaven. This is not one of the seven with trumpets....
The Sixth Trumpet of the Seventh Seal & Second Woe: Destruction of Jerusalem
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), Uncategorized, 0John hears a voice from the horns of the golden altar of incense that is before the throne. This...
Fifth Trumpet of the Seventh Seal (Revelation 9:1-12)
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), Uncategorized, 0The eagle that flew in the mid-heaven ends chapter eight, saying, “Woe, woe, woe for them that dwell on...
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)
The Bible is a book that records the divine plan of redemption from the fall to the fulfillment of the “last days.”