1. So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and harmful and painful sores...
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Emergence of the Seven Angels and Plagues (Ch. 15)
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), 0Chapter fourteen described the heavenly harvesters who reaped the earth with Christ. Afterward, seven angels clothed in priestly garments...
The Judgment Day: Winepress of Divine Wrath
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), Great Winepress of the Wrath of God, 0Matthew 26:64 reads, “Jesus said to him (Caiphas), “You have said so. But I tell you, from now on...
Judgment Day: Harvest of the Elect (14:14-17)
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), 0John sees Jesus sitting on a white cloud, symbolizing pure, righteous (just) judgment. He has been given all authority...
The Judgment of Babylon, the Great Harlot (Ch. 14)
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), 0John hears another angel flying in the mid-heaven, having the gospel to proclaim to those on earth, to every...
Another Description of the 144,000: Revelation 14:1-5
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), 0The Lamb is seen standing on Mount Zion (v. 1) before the throne (v. 3) with the 144,000 who...
The Second Earth Beast: Eleazar
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), Eleazor, The Second Beast, 0Eleazar is the priest who joined in starting the war with Rome. He had “two horns like unto a...
Patience and Faith of the Saints: Revelation 13:10
admin, , Revelation (Commentary: Compliments of Dennis Lynd), 0Two basic parties existed during the siege of Jerusalem. Both of them reaped what they sowed. First, the zealots...
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)
The Bible is a book that records the divine plan of redemption from the fall to the fulfillment of the “last days.”