This series is focused on individual accountability. In each case, doing the right thing is not dependent on the action of another. Whether or not anyone else does the right thing has nothing to do with our doing the right thing.

An illustration of this is in the area of forgiveness. The Bible teaches that we should seek forgiveness from the brother whom we have sinned against. It takes precedence over “bringing your gift before the altar”(Matthew 5:23-24). It is not abnormal to expect this person to act first. In fact, the offended or person sinned against seldom would consider making the first move. Typically, you may hear them say, “I’ll not visit him (or her). If they want peace, they can come to me. I didn’t do anything wrong.” Or, we might hear something like, “He knows where I live.”

Indeed, they should be the first. But, Matthew 18:15-20 tells the one who has been sinned against to go to him to confront him with his sin in hopes to be reconciled. Therefore, the result of these two passages has both taking the initiative and meeting on the way to see each other. Here’s another illustration of another excuse for not doing the right thing and excusing our failing on the failures of others. Do the right thing whether anybody else does or not.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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