September 19, 2022

Another Objection to the Decision-Making Model

by Tim Glover in Revelation of God0 Comments

Another complaint is that when we believe that God speaks only through the word, we put restrictions on God by putting Him in a box of our own making.  However, our stated views do not advocate God’s inability to do anything He desires.  We are only stating that when God has revealed his will and that the revelation of God’s will is known by the Spirit’s guidance in inspired words, then to suggest any other means is to add to that which God has revealed.  To tell us how He reveals himself to us does not negate His ability to do it some other way.  If he chooses to do it another way is certainly His prerogative but He has not chosen to tell us about it.  We can depend on what He has revealed because that which He cannot do is lie.  We have no good reason to think that God does reveal His will in other ways even though we do not discredit His ability to do it.  It seems that many have decided that God does anything that human beings imagine is possible for God to do, regardless of what he has revealed.

Furthermore, God has put Himself in a box by revealing Himself in Scripture.  It defines the limits of our beliefs about Him because all we know of Him is revealed in Scripture.  Whatever is not revealed is not for us to know (cf. Deut. 29:29).   We know that God cannot lie, break a promise (cf. Heb. 6:17-18), or deny himself (cf. Tit. 2:13, 2 Tim. 2:13).  Using the same logic, we cannot say this because we are putting God in a box.

Finally, it appears to me that the same response could be given to those who believe in promptings and stirrings of the heart that is supposed to be God’s way of directing us, today.  If it is true, then is not that the same as putting God in a box?  In order to have such stirrings and inner voices, we must still our soul, tune into His frequency, and eliminate all distractions.  What does this say if it doesn’t teach that He cannot get His message through to us unless we do these things?  His ability to communicate is based on our willingness to hear.  He tries to get our attention to help direct us in the way we should go, but He needs our cooperation in order to be heard.   Now, how different is that from the view that God has spoken, whether we hear it or not?


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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