When engaging with fellow believers, it’s vital that our encouragement comes from a place of true understanding and discernment. Compassion and empathy are crucial, but they shouldn’t inadvertently endorse detrimental behaviors.

For instance, when a child struggles to meet their parent’s expectations, the solution isn’t to encourage them to dismiss or be patient with their parents’ perceived flaws. Instead, we should help them understand and navigate these expectations, especially if they are rooted in biblical teachings. Encouragement should be more than mere consolation. It should prompt individuals to face their issues and adopt appropriate behaviors rather than fostering potentially harmful tendencies.

A common scenario in group interactions is when individuals rally around a particular sentiment, especially in relationships. Seeking validation and finding many who agree can bolster one’s confidence in their perspective. However, this consensus might not always reflect the best course of action.

Let’s consider modern perceptions of marriage. There’s a prevalent idea that marriage is a partnership where decisions are jointly made or, in some cases, require the wife’s approval. While collaborative decision-making is essential, this perspective can sometimes place the wife as the primary decision-maker. According to biblical teachings, the husband is portrayed as the family’s head, making decisions with his wife and the family’s welfare as a guiding principle. His choices should prioritize the family’s best interest, even if his wife occasionally disagrees.

Moreover, if a husband occasionally falters in decision-making, it doesn’t imply the wife should assume his role, even if she feels better equipped. She should ideally support and assist him, fostering collaborative growth. In today’s society, this kind of supportive stance might be seen as passivity. However, it’s a form of strength rooted in biblical teachings.

Straying from these teachings has led to shifts in familial dynamics. While we might not influence wider societal views, we have the power to cultivate harmony in our own homes. By honoring biblical principles, even when challenging, we set the stage for enduring peace, happiness, and profound spiritual joy. Our fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ should never encourage one in practices and attitudes that are not of Christ. Even if we have to stand alone when following Christ, the assurance of doing the right thing is measured by Heaven’s will, not the support of the masses of society.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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