It has been argued by some “Christians” that every time they get a hunch, God is warning us to pay attention to something important.  One might easily confuse hunches and intuition as the “voice of God” communicating to us, especially after spending much time in prayer.  A premonition is another word to describe this common human experience.  While we may credit a good decision on intuition, many are suggesting that this “sixth sense” is proof of God’s guidance.

Surely, these experiences cannot be denied because we have all had them.  Some people tend to experience them more than others, but it is a human experience not exclusive to Christians.    Everyone has them.   These impressions and hunches are the product of our mind and past experiences that knows like a Deja Vu moment the certainty of a certain action will always produce the same outcome.  If we are in the word, it may direct us away from a bad decision.  But, while we may argue that the Holy Spirit is directing us, this is neither revelation from Him, nor is it His voice that we are hearing.  It is the effect of the Word in our hearts and mind.   At other times, it is just the effect of life’s choices and past experiences or a combination of both the Word and experience.  I appreciated the explanation offered by Garry Friesen in his book Decision Making.  He writes, “Impressions could be produced by any number of sources: God, Satan, an angel, a demon, human emotions (such as fear or ecstasy), hormonal imbalance, insomnia, medication, or an upset stomach”  (pg. 93).  I have not given equal attention to all of these, but the point is that each of us are wired differently in addition to having different experiences and beliefs.  Worshippers of Satan have strong hunches, too.  Will we argue that they are receiving a voice from God?  Furthermore, if Satan is loosed and deception is running rampant in this world, how can you be so sure that this strong feeling is from God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or Satan?

The fact that human intuition is an experience common to all, it seems reasonable to conclude that it is not the voice of God but the product of each mind.  Depending on what we feed our minds will influence these hunches, as well as our past experiences, fears, and doubts.   Even allowing for the possibility of the Holy Spirit giving us a strong sense of something does not prove that these are the voice of God.  God is not revealing Himself or His will concerning anything at these times.  Now, if you are inclined to think that God is communicating to us in this way, don’t be mad at me because I’m suggesting that it is the product of our own thinking.  Just, know that others may have different impressions about the same matter.  Husbands and wives have often experienced these conflicts and many women whom I have known in the past have had strong feelings about things they wish their husbands would not do.  Granted, sometimes, he has not intuition at all, but other men have strong hunches that are in conflict with their wives’ intuition.  What are you to do?   Whatever we are to conclude about this subject, we do know that God is not revealing two conflicting views, but Satan could, couldn’t he?


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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