The most difficult hurdle to overcome in accepting the model of making decisions based on the written revelation of moral and wise principles is that it leaves God out of the process.  This can’t be further from the truth.

First, God has given a perfect living Word that is able to make us complete, thoroughly furnished unto every good work (2 Tim. 3:16).  He has already granted everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3).  None of these thoughts presented on this site removes human dependency on that revelation.

Second, God is involved in our decisions.  He knows our plans and our motives.  He can intervene providentially to open or close a chosen path.  He is involved in every detail.  He just want us to take the initiative instead of waiting for him to open a door.  It’s as if He is saying to us, “You choose.  You go and I’ll either make the path clear and open for you or I’ll close it for you.”  One thing is sure.  Our choices cannot hinder His sovereign will.  But, don’t think that you are just a robot waiting to act because every decision and action falls under that category of God’s sovereign will.

We need to spend time reading and studying the Word of Truth so that we handle it accurately and allow it to conform us to the image of Jesus.  In addition, James tells us to pray for wisdom (James 1:5).  Doing this is walking according to His will, not our own.  To wait for some feeling or confirmation is a very subjective approach that, in truth, does not depend on God.   It is similar to others whose salvation is dependent on their will, not God’s will.  In essence, some are saying that they want to be saved on their terms. So, they dictate to God what they want and expect God to produce the desired result.  Likewise, when we seek God’s direction on our own terms instead of what He has taught us in His Word, we are saying the same thing. We are implying that we want God’s guidance the way we want to receive it.  What we need to realize is that God is equally pleased with any option we choose as long as it conforms to His written Word.  That is His will.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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