This blog very similar to the previous blog on honoring one another.  It is taken from the same text.  The difference lies in the definition of “preferring” used in Romans 12:10.  So, we started with Romans 12:10 in the ESV.

Similarly, God’s people prefer one another.  Romans 12:10 reads, “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another (KJV).”   The New American Standard Bible and the New Internatinal Version has translated the verse, “Be devoted to one another.  This verse expresses a commitment to one another so that life is shared with each other so that all are actively involved in each other’s care.   The ground for this commitment is love.  Genuine love is not serving one another as a means of getting what we want, but is selfless commitment as is demonstrated by Jesus on the cross.   His example is the foundation for how we treat one another.

Furthermore, the text reads, “Honor one another above yourselves.   Honoring another above oneself is not because you have a low self image but because he or she is beloved by God as His child.  It is similar to Philippians 2:3 has, “…but in lowless of mind let ech esteem other better than themselves.”  A brother or sister is more worthy than ourselves and is due honor, even while being ignored and neglected, ourselves.   The human capacity to love is clear but we often elevate others as long as we are given the credit for having done it.  We have no objection to giving honor as long as we are at the  helm.   The thought of the text is that fellow Christians take the initiative to respect others without any anticipation or expectation of it being reciprocated to them.   As far as each one is concerned, they will outdo each other in showing honor because the word translated, “prefer” means “to go before,” “take the initiative,” or
take the lead.”

In order for this to be successful, Christians need to be very much involved in each other’s lives.  The more we know of each other, the better we can “outdo one another” in giving honor.  We cannot possibly accomplish this task with only a mere acquaintance as members of the same local church.   It is imperative that we live with each other as members of a physical family interact with each other.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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