December 23, 2021

Spiritual Gifts Endured as Long as Apostles Present to Lay Hands on Saints

We have already shown that the spiritual gifts were imparted through the laying on of the hands of the apostles.   We have shown with the impartation on the Samaritans (Acts 8) and the Ephesian saints (Acts 19) proves it was accomplished by apostles laying their hands on those who had been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.  Having the power to lay hands on saints to receive a measure of the Spirit (spiritual gifts) was the way the saints in any given city could be edified.   If the saints received their gift through the laying on of the hands of the apostles, then, their edification rested upon the physical presence of the apostles.  Without them, no hands could be laid on saints and no spiritual gift could be imparted.  This establishes a duration point, seeing that the apostles were the only ones to pass the gifts to others.

We have also shown that there are no apostles today because no one today has been with Jesus from the baptism of John to the ascension of Christ (Acts 1).   Taken together, we either have them all or we have none because they stand or fall together.  Their purpose and duration are connected to the entire list.  So, if we have evangelists like listed here, then we have apostles.  If we have apostles, we have pastors.

Consider, as an example of the gifts given to God’s people, the shepherds.   The following list highlights what we know of these men.

  • These men were of age and experience and would, naturally, be advantageous to a leadership role (Hebrews 5:13-14). The Jewish elders occupied this position for the same reason.
  • Regarding their selection, the example of Paul and Barnabas set a precedent for these spiritual shepherds (Acts 14:23). Yet, Paul seems to have handed that work to the evangelists, who would not only continue the teaching of the apostles and set examples for brethren but appoint elders in the cities to which they were sent.
  • The qualifications of shepherds that were given to the evangelists, Timothy and Titus, indicate that these men were family men. They had proven their leadership in the home by nurturing and admonishing their children in the teaching of the Lord (cf.  Ephesians 6:2).
  • Their care and oversight of souls is not all that different from the daily care of the apostle Paul (2 Cor. 11:28). Herein, may also describe the differences  — the target or focus of work.  Because the elders were chosen men living among saints in a city, in only stands to reason that these men would be overseeing souls “among them.”
  • The scope of their work in the oversight of souls “among them” does not suggest that they were overseers of local church organizations. There is no indication that the phrase “among them” limited their work to members of local churches where they were members.  Their work was merely among saints where they lived.
  • Any location attached to any of these gifts of men would have been among the shepherds (cf. Acts 20:17). Given the domestic qualifications and possible age, these men were not noted for traveling from city to city as the apostle Paul and his traveling companions.

These gifts are listed together as being given to the called out people for a purpose and for a limited period of time.    It is not stated that only the apostles and prophets were given as gifts till we attain unto the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, etc.    All four or five stand together as accomplishing the stated purpose and therefore, for the same duration.    Therefore, if we have men who are evangelists, pastors, and teachers as gifts today, we have men who are also apostles and prophets, today.  Still yet, if we have apostles and prophets today, we would expect to find flawless teaching, inspiration, the revelation of mysteries, and miraculous powers.

In summary, As a result of seeking to squeeze us into this same context as the New Testament days,  some believe that the Holy Spirit’s indwelling will manifest itself in miraculous powers but they struggle to provide any proof that what is witnessed today even resembles the miraculous powers of the first century.  They certainly are not comparable.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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