Moulton and Milligan explain that the word “meant originally any public assembly of citizens summoned by a herald.  It is the term in the Septuagint for the community of Israel, whether assembled or not”[1] (p. 195).   The verb literally means “to call out of” (ek, out of + kaleo, to call).   Sometimes, the word is translated by the English word “church” and sometimes by the word “assembly.”   Neither word can stand on its own merit as defining the word.  For example, when we use the word “assembly,” we think it must mean a public assembly summoned by a herald, according to the above definition.  Yet, it is further acknowledged that the Septuagint used it to define the people of Israel whether assembled or not.    It is important that you catch the significance of that statement.  When the word is applied to God’s people, the assembly is called of God and assembled by God because they are only known by Him.   Here’s an example of a common word used to describe spiritual realities rather than its original physical application.  We can readily see how the word “assembly” could describe the ekklesia because it describes a collection of individuals who are placed by God into a class of people known as “the being saved ones.”   The Hebrew writer speaks of the general assembly and church of the firstborn ones (Heb. 12:23).   That they form a common bond and share a common purpose is further attested by the word, “assembly.”  Like the Septuagint, it is not likely that the word stands for a physical assembly of people in a certain place.    Furthermore, it is a collective noun that brings together individual units into one class.  Other familiar examples of collective nouns are herd (of cows), covey (of quail), pride (of lions), colony, army, swarm or nest (of ants), hive (of bees),  band (of coyotes), flock (of geese), or pack (of dogs).

Lexicographers are one source that can aid Bible students in defining words.    The word ekklesia is translated “church” in our Bibles.   We will address this in more detail later, but it is important to note that among the same versions, they may translate EKKLESIA with “church” in one context and “assembly” in another context.   We may think there is some validity in using two different words as context does play an important role in the translation of texts.  But, as is often the case, human beings tend to apply spiritual concepts, physically.

Another method of understanding word meanings is to study the way the word is used in the text.  This is perhaps more important than its dictionary definition because it takes into account the many Greek idioms.   In addition to the context into which it is placed, the Bible is full of idioms that would make little sense if we insisted on literal dictionary definitions.   Taken together, we define the ekklesia as a gathering or a collection of saved individuals who are gathered or collected into one body by God (Acts 2:47) and known only by him (2 Tim. 2:19).  This is true whether we speak of individuals throughout time and space or individuals in a limited time and space.  If this is meant when we speak of a local ekklesia, then it would be the proper use of the word.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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