April 20, 2021

Sons of Japheth – Tiras

by Tim Glover in The Flood0 Comments

According to Josephus, the descendants of Tiras were called Thirasians. The Greeks changed their name to Thracians. The Greeks had a habit of changing the names of other people. The Greeks changed the name of Canaan to Palestine. Thrace reached from Macedonia on the South to the Danube River on the North to the Black Sea on the East.

It took in much of what is now Yugoslavia. World Book Encyclopedia says that the people of Thrace were a savage Indo-European people, who loved warfare and looting. Mars the god of war, who was worshipped by the Romans, was earlier called Theresa or Tiras. This grandson of Noah was obviously the original for that pagan deity. So, from their earliest history, the Thracians worshipped their ancestor Tiras as Mars, the god of war. It is a fact of nature that there are ethnic differences that attach to different races of people. For instance, the Jewish people have always been more successful businessmen than their Gentile counterparts. Germans are generally better mathematicians. America would have had a much harder time putting a man on the moon had it not been for a German scientist by the name of Werner von Braun. Negroes have a natural sense of rhythm that others do not have. For better or worse, those characteristics are generally attached to those people. All of this brings us back to the descendants of Tiras. The descendants of those savage Indo- European people, who were long ago caged Thracians, go to make up much of what is now modern-day Yugoslavia. That explains a lot about what is going in that land today. Serbs and Croats and Bosnians seem to be killing each other for the fun of it, and the outside world does not seem to be able to do anything about it. From time immemorial their ancestors worshipped Tiras, or Mars the god of war. The encyclopedia says that they were “a savage Indo- European people who loved warfare and looting.” That is a characteristic which attaches to the descendants of Tiras, and you can be sure that it is going to take more than a few United Nations advisors to get them to change their ways.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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