August 27, 2020

Duration of Gifts of the Spirit: Elements of a Miracle – Instantaneous

by Tim Glover in Uncategorized0 Comments

Furthermore, in the New Testament days, human beings were empowered by God to give immediate or instantaneous healing through human agents.   There was no progression of improvement or slow bending of the diseased limps, blurry vision attempting to come into focus, etc.   Instead, the complete healing was witnessed instantaneously.   The effect was immediate.  This proof of healing with no relapses, and undeniable acknowledgment that a miracle had occurred is what confirmed the message as being from God.   Today, if anyone saw what was witnessed among Jesus and his disciples in the first century, they would have a very similar response.   There is no comparison between the outpouring of the first century that was witnessed by people of that day and what is claimed,  today.  To say they are the same is to weaken the power of God, and the validity and strength of the divine message given through those inspired men.

Given this description, a baby’s birth into this world is not a miracle.   It is as natural as seeing the lightning of a powerful storm break through the clouds and the clapping of the thunder that follows it.   The powerful display of God’s order emits thoughts of wonder and amazement.   We are awestruck by such displays of His power, but these are not “miracles.”  To insist on using the word implies an attempt to duplicate biblical practice and teaching without understanding their times and the puposes of God in those days.  Claiming that God is the same God today as He was in that day doesn’t mean that His plan and methods of dealing with mankind were the same.  Numerous changes have occurred, even though God, Himself, has not changed.


I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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