Eve was told just one lie, and the Devil adds a little doubt in her mind.  He tells the first lie in the Bible.  Some might argue that it wasn’t a lie because they did not really die, at least not physically, on the day they ate from the forbidden tree.  In addition, they did gain knowledge about good and evil.  Yet, the death that they died that day was spiritual death.  Every sin and consequent death is the result of this first lie.  This tiny falsehood from Satan started it all.

But lying also produces physical death.  Sickness and ultimate death is the result of sin.  Sometimes, physical death is an immediate cause of death.  When Ananias and Sapphira sold a certain piece of property and kept back some while giving the rest to the poor saints, they lied to the Holy Spirit.  In the case of Ananias, he said not a word.  In the case of his wife, Sapphira, she verbally consented to the lie.  Both of them immediately fell dead.  The lie for them was both physical and spiritual.

Satan tells us that a lie is no big deal, especially when compared to other sins.  Yet, Satan is the father of lies, and such deception started the mess we are in today.    Lying is Satan’s main weapon, and he continues to use it to deceive hearts and darken the eyes.  When we lie, we are joining forces with him in fighting God.  Revelation 22:15 tells us that all liars will have their place in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.  A list is given in that text of sins like sorcery, sexual immorality, murder, and lying.  Lying is in the list with murderers and adulterers because all sin is contrary to God as they an abomination to Him.  Proverbs 6:17 lists a lying tongue as one of the six things God hates.  God is truth (Psalm 31:5; John 14:6) and lying is the very opposite of God’s character.   Therefore, speaking the truth is joining forces with God to fight the Devil.

Another fact of lies is that liars are often self-deceived.  Some are so good at believing their lies and persuading others to believe their lies that they start believing their lies are true.  This is why Satan continues to war against God and His will, and he has deluded himself into thinking that he can and will defeat Jehovah God.  The same people can usually see when people are lying to them but can’t tell when they are lying to themselves and are quick to make excuses for their lies.  Others are good at twisting words to mean something different from what they actually said.  As noted elsewhere, lying has the element of deceit that speaks to the heart’s intent.



I have been a fervent student of the Bible all of my life
Experience: Preacher for 30 years and father of three sons
Education: Florida College and Missouri State University

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