After trying various pagan philosophies, Justin embraced the Christian faith of his day. He composed his First Apology in...
Pliny the Younger (Gaius Plinius Caecelius Secundus, circa 61-113) was a Roman administrator during the reign of Emperor Trajan....
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 focuses on head-covering, not on women speaking in the public assembly. Speaking is addressed in chapter...
Following First Corinthians 11:2-16, Paul writes to the saints in Corinth about their abuse of the Lord’s Supper in...
It is amazing how these two topics are so similar. They are the two things no one is to...
Eternal Security and the Sealing with the Holy Spirit #3
admin, , Ephesians, Sealed with Holy Spririt, 0Some interpreters have proposed a view of this sealing that doesn’t fit the context of Scripture. They proclaim that...
In all the ways the word “seal” is used, at least two common elements are shared. First, the significance...
To summarize Ephesians 1: 3-11, Paul discusses how God chose Israel, predestinated them to adoption, redemption, and became the...
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)
The Bible is a book that records the divine plan of redemption from the fall to the fulfillment of the “last days.”