Concerning modern healing services today, we might ask why that is such a bad thing.  This is the ancient...
Duration of the Gifts: The Miraculous Powers Granted by the Holy Spirit Ended in those Days -1
admin, , Duration of the Gifts, Miraculous Signs, Miracles, 0The significance of the Holy Spirit’s work during this concentrated period is weakened by the view that advocates the...
Duration of the Gifts of the Spirit: Introduction
admin, , Duration of the Gifts, Duration of the Gifts, 0Joel’s prophecy of the Holy Spirit precedes his prophecy of the great and terrible day of the Lord. We...
Evolution of Power Within An Organization
admin, , Church Leadership, Church Organization, Congregational, Institutionalism, 0Historically, the post-apostolic Christians adopted this pyramid rule into their lives by shifting toward the organizational patterns of their...
Congregational Oversight: Ordination
admin, , Acts 14:23, Church Leadership, Congregational, "Ordain", Titus 1:5, 0It is the intention of this section to introduce that the emphasis of the text of scripture is on...
By-Products of Role Changes: Concluding Thoughts with the Leadership in Local Churches
admin, , Church Leadership, Congregational, 0All churches have leadership. It may be an eldership, a body of deacons, or some other leading board who...
By-Products of Role Changes: Promotes an employee/employer relationship.
admin, , Church Leadership, Congregational, Ill-effects of church leadership, 0We know what the Bible teaches about the work and role of an evangelist. But typically, a preacher, looking...
The Israel of God today are destroyed by the same thing and for the same reason that destroyed ancient...
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)
The Bible is a book that records the divine plan of redemption from the fall to the fulfillment of the “last days.”