Let’s attempt to put all the chapters together and see the relationship between them. When we reach the fourth...
Paul specifically mentions that the mystery was the bringing of Jew and Gentile in one body. The hostility and...
Paul’s role in this plan of God is recorded in Ephesians 3:1-13. He was an apostle of Jesus Christ. ...
Ephesians 2: Two Necessary Elements to Accomplish the Creation of the New Man
admin, , Ephesians, Ephesians 2, New man, 0The “one new man” is the creation of the ekklesia, the body, the household, or temple of God by...
Ephesians 1 and the Application of the Pledge
admin, , Ephesians, Guarantee of our Inheritance, Ephesians 1, Guarantee of Inheritance, 0Once again, we struggle to find application to sealed and guaranteed promises that were not made to us, today. ...
The Spirit as an “Earnest” or “Pledge”?
admin, , Ephesians, Guarantee of our Inheritance, Earnest or Pledge, Ephesians 1, Guarantee of Inheritance, Holy Spirit, 0The Arrabon is a Phonetian maritime trade word that was used as a pledge granted by the buyer that...
Ephesians 1: The Holy Spirit and the Guarantee of Our Inheritance
admin, , Ephesians, Guarantee of our Inheritance, Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1, Guarantee of Inheritance, Holy Spirit, 0The effect and purpose of the seal are defined by this Greek word, “arrabon” that is translated “earnest”, “pledge”,...
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)
The Bible is a book that records the divine plan of redemption from the fall to the fulfillment of the “last days.”