In addition to strengthening and encouraging one another, we also see in the New Testament that Christians joined together...
The Problems that Christianity has Created for Itself It’s amazing how blind anyone can become because of fear to...
I was asked this question last week, and it occurred to me to write a blog in response to...
Private Home: Center of Fellowship
admin, , Fellowship of the Saints, Households, Togetherness, Private Home, 0A related concern would be the influence of the gossip in the home. Younger widows learn to be idle...
We do have some idea of why saints gathered together as a part of their daily life. One of...
Cultural Challenges of Household Interactions
admin, , Fellowship of the Saints, Households, Public and Private Gatherings, Cultural factors, fellowship, Household, 0As you retire to the comforts of home, can there be any doubt that this was the forum of...
Today’s religious landscape is full of church buildings, like the synagogues, where God’s Word is opened and read. Yet,...
The Saints and Church Buildings
admin, , Church Buildings, Local Church, Togetherness, Church buildings, Place of worship, 0For the first approximately two-hundred years of this new relationship in Christ (the ekklesia), there were no church buildings. ...
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)
The Bible is a book that records the divine plan of redemption from the fall to the fulfillment of the “last days.”