The effect of this “church formation” is that the people are no longer the church but are made to...
Era of the Church Fathers: Institutional Origins
admin, , Apostasy, Apostasy, Church Fathers, Institutionalism, 0In the absence of the apostles, the church began to drift toward the organizational patterns of the surrounding culture. ...
Era of the “Church Fathers”
admin, , Apostasy, Apostasy, Apostolic Succession, Church Fathers, Ignatius, Iranaeus, 0While exposing developments about things the Bible had forewarned, and proposing that “the church organization” is the product of...
Predictions of Apostasy: More Passages from the Pastoral Epistles
admin, , Apostasy, Apostasy in Timothy & Titus, Warnings in Timothy and Titus, 21 Timothy 6:3-5 – “If any man teaches a different doctrine, and consents not to sound words, even the...
Aside from the formation of an institution, many innovations were introduced. Once any man or group of men lift...
This gives specific mention of two practices – forbidding marrying and abstaining from meats, both of which are practiced...
Predictions of Apostasy: A Look at Select Passages #1
admin, , Apostasy, Apostasy from the Pastoral Epistles, 0Notice the lengthy warnings below from Paul given to Timothy and Titus, men whom he had entrusted to appoint...
An observation from the apostolic predictions of apostasy leaves a suspicion in the claims of Greek Orthodoxy and Catholics...
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)
The Bible is a book that records the divine plan of redemption from the fall to the fulfillment of the “last days.”