The purpose of togetherness is the benefit of mutual encouragement. That this became the reason for their meetings is...
Archive for year: 2019
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The Biblical Pattern of Togetherness
admin, , Fellowship of the Saints, Togetherness, Acts 12:5-12, Acts 2:42, Acts 2:46, Acts 5:42, fellowship, 0We see this pattern in the very beginning of the church in Acts 2. Believers understood the need to...
The Pattern of Togetherness and Its Importance
admin, , Fellowship of the Saints, Togetherness, fellowship, Getting together, 0Earlier, emphasis was given that the called-out exists in any given area whether gathered together or not gathered, but...
Translating Greek, “Ekklesia” with English Word “Congregation”
admin, , Church History, Church vs. Ekklesia, congregation, ekklesia, 0Our English word “church” is derived from the Greek word “kuriakos,” meaning “belonging to the Lord” or “pertaining to...
Being together is as natural as syrup on pancakes. Yet, let’s not assume that until they do gather, they...
Interaction of Saints in a Given Area
admin, , Church vs. Ekklesia, Fellowship of the Saints, Local Church, Uncategorized, fellowship, Local church, 0If such brothers and sisters live in the same area, is there any doubt that they will be together...
More Examples of Saints Living in Other Cities
admin, , Local Church, fellowship, Local church, Togetherness, 0(1) “The church of Ephesus” in Revelation 2:1 is referred to as “the saints … at Ephesus” in Ephesians...
Other Saints Living in Various Cities
admin, , Local Church, Togetherness, Uncategorized, fellowship, Local church, Togetherness, 0Some propose the idea that a universal church is nowhere taught in the Bible so that every reference to...
“For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)
The Bible is a book that records the divine plan of redemption from the fall to the fulfillment of the “last days.”